What do floating objects have in common? They all have buoyancy.
Ethnoscience attempts to understand how people understand the world and plant systematics attempts to use classification to document evolutionary relationships between organisims
Ethnoscience is a study about how people see the world around them. This study shows how different people understand the nature and life under the influence of different cultures.
On the other hand, systematics shows relationships among living things through a certain period of time. Those relationships are graphically represented by phylogenetic trees or cladograms.
The lining is the e<span>ndometrium </span>
<span>The Milankovitch theory explains the long term climate change and the </span>
Milankovitch cycles describe the effects of changes as a result of climate change. There are three Milankovitch cycles:about Earth's Eccentricity (the shape
of the Earth's orbit around the Sun), Axial tilt (the inclination of the Earth's axis in relation to its plane of orbit around
the Sun) and precession (the Earth's slow wobble as it spins on axis).
According to this, Milankovitch's cycles <span>are changes in earth's rotation and orbit around the sun that may trigger climate variation. (B).</span>