<span>There are numerous reasons why. For example, you can be afraid that if the case isn't solved that the person might hurt you, or that their family might hurt you. Another might be that the people who you report them too work together with them so they might turn it on your head. Also, they might set you up if they all work together.</span>
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants. Plants use chlorophyll and light to make food.
Eutrophication results in the death of trout and other fish as a result of asphyxiation from the lack of oxygen. Eutrophication involves the enrichment of water by nutrients salts such as phosphates, nitrates among others, that causes structural changes of the aquatic ecosystem such as; increased production of algae and aquatic plants, depletion of fish species, deterioration of water quality and other effects that impact negatively the aquatic ecosystem.
Electron microscope is a device which is used to see microscopic objects using electon. In this tyoe of microscope electron is thrown on an object whose image is formed on the screen. It resolution power is 10,000X. If the internal structure of an object is to be observed then SEM is used, however for three dimensional structure, TEM is used.
Dermatosis is a condition of the skin, either genetic in nature and influenced by environmental conditions such as an initial infection/ contact dermatitis.
Atherosclerosis is a condition described by hardening of the arteries, affecting the heart. This is a chronic condition, caused by environmental factors (diet).
Caisson disease is an acute neurological condition that only occurs in deep sea divers, caused by a gas embolism that blocks a vessel and transportation of oxygen.