Animal 1: Giant Panda
Its lifespan is 20 year in the wild and there height is 2-3 feet.
The Giant Pandas attacking humans are rare. last one reported was June 2009.
Animal 2: Baiji
It might be extinct and it is a type of freshwater dolphin.
it means White Fin in Japanese which means white-finned dolphin.
Animal 3: Red Panda
There is less than 10,000 that are alive
Its population is decreasing and they are Herbivorous
Animal 4: Siberian Tiger
The tigers are Endangered but stabled
They can run up to 50 miles per hour
Animal 5: Sable
It is a small omnivore
They may look cute but they are not pet material. they have sharp teeth and can have a painful bite. It is also illegal to own one.
Hope this helps! :)
"The Illiad" was written by Homer in the 8th Century B.C.
The great epic poem "The Illiad" was written by the blind poet Homer. Most historians assumed and accepted the time of publication and composition to be around the 8th - 13th Century B.C.
The authorship of this epic poem narrating the Battle of Troy is debated by many. Some historians and critics claim that there is no one single man named Homer who could have composed all these tales, covering just a mere 51 days of the final days of the war. But it contains a background detailing of the story before the actual battle. The Greeks credited a blind poet named Homer to be the true writer. This Homer, according to them, was the most famous and credited him to be the basis of their Greek identity foundation. They also agreed on the fact that Homer had recited the whole poetry from memory.
The real period of publication and the authorship of this epic has been debated and tried to be rediscovered by many scholars and historians. But due to it's ancient and old nature of the story, there are really no hard proof of it. But, the general opinion is that Homer is the rightful author of this work and that it may probably have been written around the 8th century B.C. This is in consideration of the topic of the book which deals with the famous battle of Troy that happened during the 13th Century B.C, which made it probable for the epic to be written after that.
It’s C. Dynamic because his attitude or personality changes throughout the story
Woolf enjoyed reading, attending
discussions, and taking walks
Parallel structure
Art and science are branches of
We are asking for donations for
play. Don't be a Scrooge!
Virginia Woolf and Henrik Ibser
little things.
Many students need loans for
long will it take before we act?
Rhetorical question
A rhetorical question is a question that has no answer. It is usually used for dramatic effect.
An understatement means representing something as being less important than its true value.
Metaphor is a figure of speech that describes or compares two things in a way that is not literally applicable
Allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something
Parallel structure is using the same pattern of words to show that different ideas are equally important.