High tariffs caused other nations to place taxes on US farm products which lost them sales and caused the prices to go down but industry benefited because of the low prices and the high tariff, therefore the Wall Street benefited again.
Its a crossword just fill in the blanks.
Answer and Explanation:
Bradstreet has an aggressive and negative view of the North American indigenous people, he believes that they are savage, violent, uncivilized and that they must be fought in the name of the goals of the English. He believes that the Indians are oppressive and that this should not be tolerated. He believes that the Indians will unite against England and for that reason it is necessary to be prepared. Probably, this view that Bradstreet has towards indigenous people comes from bad experiences he had with the tribes, as well as an imperialist thought full of prejudices and a strong racism and intolerance.
Johnson, on the other hand, although he believes that indigenous people are uncivilized, he believes that working for them will be more profitable for the English, than fighting them. He believes that indigenous people are a fascinating people and that they have dominion over the lands that the English are taking over. Even in the midst of this, the Indians are willing to divide the land and for this they make small demands that can easily be met by the English, establishing harmony with all peoples. Johnson's view comes from the humanistic character and the peaceful nature that he possessed.
-Workforce laborers and servants were being exploit by landowners and were in debt
-The death rate was high, and the English servants who could get land would get land in poor quality, bad locations and controlled by Native Americans
-Governor William Berkeley was put by the British Crown to ensure that planters paid taxes but because of the corrupt system rich landowners often times avoided taxes and fees
How this was a conflict
The elite was threatened to the point that they decided to get more slaves instead of white servants
Life losses and changes in policies