spanning-tree portfast bpduguard
spanning- tree protocol (STP) is a layer 2 protocol in the OSI model. It is automatically configured in a switch to prevent continual looping of BPDUs, to avoid traffic congestion. The fastport bpduguard is only applicable in non-trunking access in a switch. It is more secure to configure the fastport mode in switch port connected directly to a node, because there are still bpdus transfer in a switch to switch connection.
BPDUs Guard ensures that inferior bpdus are blocked, allowing STP to shut an access port in this regard.
Assuming this is in python:
def check_password(password):
correct_password = "qbasic"
if password == correct_password:
return True
return False
def main():
user_input = input("Type in your password: ")
if check_password(user_input):
print("Wrong, try again")
Hope this helped :) If it wasn't suppose to be in python, tell me so I can make it in the correct programming language.
Have a good day :)
Answer:A flowchart is a diagram that depicts the steps involved in solving a problem. The following flowchart shows how to output the multiplication table ( n * 1 to m * 1) of a number, n and m:
phones = {'John': '1234567', 'Julie' : '7777777'}
In the code given in the question phones dictionary contains contains two keys John and Julie and have the values '5555555' and '7777777' respectively. Now in the code the key John in the dictionary phones is assigned the value '1234567' .So the value corresponding to the key John becomes '1234567'.