The handle will warm up until it's total heat losses equal the total heat coming in. Heat comes in mostly by conduction from the body of the pot.
Matlab code is:
>> ![Vc=[M(2,:) M(:,3)']](

1 7 13 19 25
3 9 15 21 27
5 11 17 23 29


>> ![Vc=[M(2,:) M(:,3)']](

The code is tested and is correct. If you put a semi colon ' ; ' at the end of every statement then your answer will be calculated but matlab doesn't show it until you ask i.e. typing the variable (Va, Vb, Vc )and press enter.
I don't know what language you're using, so I'll write it in javascript which is usually legible enough.
function buildSequence(maxVal){
maxVal = Math.abs(maxVal);
var n, list = [];
for(n = 1; n < maxVal; n++){
to check for odd numbers, we only need to know if the last bit
is a 1 or 0:
if(n & 1){ // <-- note the binary &, as opposed to the logical &&
list[list.length] = n;
list[list.length] = -n;
return list.implode(',');
The undo tool.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft, it is used for analysing data. It's worksheets are made up of columns and rows or fields and records.
There are different ways of entering data to a cell. Click on the cell and type the data, copy and paste to the target cell, double-click on the cell to correct data and click on a cell and press the spacebar key to clear the data.
Excel records the action of event, so when a mistake is made like deleting a crucial cell data value, the undo tool is used to recover the data, since it holds records of events. The redo tool is the reverse of the undo tool.