Hannibal Barca Perfected Battlefield Tactics. Hannibal Barca (247 – circa 182 BC) elevated the role of strategy in warfare. He led a Carthaginian army out of Spain, through southern France, and across the Alps into Italy, thus bringing the Second Punic War (218 – 201 BC) to enemy territory.
La respuesta correcta es A) baja densidad.
¿Por qué la luna carece de atmosfera?
Respuesta: por su baja densidad.
Los científicos que han estudiado la Luna aseguran que la atmósfera de este satélite es 100 billones de veces menos densa comparada con nuestra atmósfera terrestre, lo que significa que tiene baja densidad. De acuerdo con estos científicos, la fuerza de gravedad de nuestra Luna es 6 veces menor que la qu presenta nuestro planeta azul. Es por eso que la dela Luna no puede captar o mantener las moléculas ni los átomos para conformar una atmósfera.
Ensuring C) domestic tranquility means ensuring peacefulness or calmness. Domestic tranquility refers to peace to peace at home. It can be applied to family as well as to states. When referring to states domestic tranquility refers to peace kept among states as set out in the Constitution. It includes the federal governments rights to end rebellions and smooth out tensions between states.
In year 1910 Senator Robert Owen passionately fought for the right of women to vote. In his struggle, he famously compared it to the fight for American Independence.
In his opinion, women made up half of all humanity and were equally involved in the development of a modern society, either by being a home marker or even working on the fields.
However, she received little recognition and did not fare well financially. According to him, the American Independence doctrine was ''all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed'' but how can the United States be just, when it denies powers to half of all people living in the country.
According to him, for America to be just and a true democracy, it was evident that women should have an equal vote.