Conservadurismo es el nombre que se le da a las políticas políticas que enfatizan el valor de las tradiciones y costumbres y el progreso gradual en lugar de la revolución. Lo que se considera tradicional difiere de una sociedad a otra, por lo que las políticas conservadoras adoptan formas muy diferentes de un país a otro. Los conservadores de un país también pueden discutir sobre los valores básicos que deben mantenerse. Algunos conservadores quieren mantener el status quo mientras que otros buscan restaurar el status quo ante.
Between 1300 AD and 1400 AD the trend in the Americans was the increase of population; in 1300 AD there were 32 million people in the Americas, and in 1400 AD there were 39 million. So, before the European arrival, Indian populations were on the rise.
In Europe and in Asia, the trend was the decrease of the population, an event in which the deadly plague and other diseases played an important role. In 1300 AD there were 70 million people in Europe and one hundred years later, only 52 million. In Asia, in 1300 AD there were 83 million people in China, and in 1400 AD, there were 70 million. In India, the figures are 100 million and 74 million , respectively.
I'm thinking that it's True it makes more sense.