I think it's Africa. google it
The experience of don luis de velasco or Paquiquineo illustrates the "Ease with which European and Indian cultures could interact".
Paquiquino or Don luis was a Kiskiack or Paspahegh tribe, hails from Tidewater, Virginia, United States. He was called as Virginia Indian who in 1561 on Chesapeake Bay met with Spanish explorers and either voluntarily or as a captive but returned back to Spain with them.
As Algonquian-speaking Indians were practicing "gift-exchange economy" which represented that instead of equal value trading goods they gave gifts. Due to which debt and expectations for gifts was increasing, but when Spaniards violated this protocol, they shifted from something-for-nothing to something-for-something and in return for their generosity demanded "trinkets".
Germany lost both wars while Japan only lost WWII.
The United States Constitution limits states from keeping a standing army because the framers wanted all military personnel to be under the control of the US federal government.
Before the US Constitution was implemented, the Articles of Confederation was the law of the land. At this time, states had significant power and the US federal government struggled to have any states follow the orders of the federal government. This was especially true for developing a military, as it was optional to listen to the laws of the federal government.
When developing the US Constitution, the framers knew it was an element that needed to be changed. Now, all military would be under the control of the federal government. This would ensure that the US is ready for war and would have a cohesive unit ready for action.