The correct answer is: <em><u>Rome wanted to keep Carthage from completely taking over Sicily.</u></em>
The Punic Wars are a series of three wars from antiquity that were fought between Romans and the Carthage. At the time, they were the two most powerful empires on the Mediterranean and had had occasionally skirmishes as both were trying to expand their possessions, trade and influence in the region.
The 3 wars lasted over a span of nearly a century by the end of which, the Carthage possessions were annexed by the Romans as they became the most powerful political entity in the region.
Instrumental or cognitive aggression: these terms are interchangeable, both meaning the aggression is planned and is used as a means to meet a goal that can't be achieved in any other way.
Instrumental aggression is a planned attack and is typically the one means left. It is seen as necessary as no other plan has worked to achieve the goal. It is thought out and even justified by a higher moral grounds.
The Northern renaissance was more of a visual thing. It was all about obvservation and what you saw in a work. But in the Italian renaissance, they focused on anatomy and body proportions when it came to observation in their work.
According to Machiavelli's the Prince, princes should act in a practical manner. Machiavelli produced a practical guide to the arts of statecraft, which served the practical needs of the powerful families that emerged in the Italian city-states during the Renaissance. Statecraft involved carefully crafted approaches to the realistic conditions faced by rulers. It was driven less by emotion or morality but reason.
You should write a report on Google Docs( if you have Chrome) or Mircosoft Word ( if you have mac). Do the steps one by one. If they're is a rubric... follow it. May I ask what grade you are in?