Restriction enzymes can also be used to generate compatible ends on PCR products. In all cases, one or more restriction enzymes are used to digest the DNA resulting in either non-directional or directional insertion into the compatible plasmid. The most common Type II enzymes are those like HhaI (NEB #R0139), HindIII (NEB #R0104), and NotI (NEB #R0189)
Option C
For chagarff's rule, it clearly states that DNA from any cell of any organisms be it prokaryotes or eukaryotes should have the basic 1 (purine): 1 (pyrimidine) ratio. Particularly, amount of adenine should be equal to thymine, and guanine equal to cytosine. This is in particular reference to organisms that have double stranded DNA.
Ecosystems equilibrium is when populations of organisms in the ecosystem are balanced.
Raising oestrogen levels so female doesn’t ovulate