The personification is: “deathly oppressive silence hangs over the house and clings to me as if it were going to drag me into the deepest regions of the underworld”
The extended metaphor is the line from “I wonder from room to room” to “a voice within me cries”, so the last 7 lines (sorry I didn’t feel like writing the quote out).
Anne is forced to stay in the house/attic every day to avoid being discovered. The attic itself is cramped and stuffy, especially with the 8 other people living there. She feels like a caged animal (a caged songbird in this case) because she is never allowed into the outside world.
Howard Atwood Kelly
He laid out a plan to use his wealth to establish a hospital that would provide care to anyone, regardless of sex,age,or race
Learns about "One-shot finch"
Miss Caroline
The prefix "im-" usually means "not." Take for example the word imperfect. The prefix then causes the word to refer to something that is not perfect. Therefore, the word impersonal would mean that something is not personal. Meaning that personal thoughts and opinions/feelings are not involved.