Macbeth is trapped between the reality and what was promised to him. He has already seen one part of this promise come true - that he will become the thane of Cawdor. But he is aware that, to become the king, he will most likely have to murder the present king Duncan, and take his place. This thought terrifies him, and yet he cannot resist it. His transformation is quick and sudden, just like the turn of events. From a man who had doubted the weird sisters' prophecy, much as he liked it, he becomes a man who is ready to admit to himself what needs to be done.
He tells himself that Caesar may turn out bad and that killing him is the best option
This question is about the use of foreign words or expressions to complete the sentences.
Plagiarism is the act of copying a writer's words verbatim and claiming them as one's own.
I had a sense of déjà vu when I saw the girl who looked just like her mother used to.
I trust you completely. You have complete carte blanche to arrange the party.
<u>Saying or writing something verbatim means using the exact same words that were originally used.</u>
<u>Déjà vu is an expression which refers to the illusion of remembering scenes, the feeling of having already lived this moment, or simply a feeling of familiarity.</u>
<u>The French expression "carte blanche" means giving someone complete freedom to do something because you trust them entirely.</u>
<u>As we can see, all the expressions above make sense when we take the context clues of each sentence into consideration.</u>
Dark Romantics explored the darker side of the human soul.
Improves functional outcomes for people with health conditions using active treatments such as leisure, sport, play, and community participation. Therapeutic Recreation.