All three statements are sometimes true and sometimes false
The Moon orbits the Earth, with the same face always toward the Earth.
1. The moon is sometimes between the Sun and the Earth. At other times, it isn't.
2. The Sun shines on the back side of the Moon, but it also shines on the front side.
3. The side that faces the Earth is sometimes dark (New moon) and sometimes lit (Full moon).
There are many ocean currents that take warm water up to London, thus warming the air there.
I would say B. Ever hear the phrase, "warm air rises"?
56 feet Long by 45 feet long
13.2 inches. × 5 = 56 feet
9 inches × 5 = 45 feet
Once buried, the fossil and surrounding rock might undergo extreme pressure and heat, and the fossils could melt. Once fossils are formed, they might be washed away by streams, moved by glaciers, carried by scavengers, or caught in rockslides. Weathering by wind, water, and sun can destroy a fossil by wearing it away.Explanation: