There exits various styles of learning some of them are given below.
- The visual style, kinesthetic, auditory and many more. In physical leaning style, the parts of the body are used like the hand and face gestures, sense of touch, etc.
- The visual style is the most common of them as we refer to pictures, diagrams and hence spatial undressing takes place.
- Active listening taking notes, reviewing your work writing summary and overview of the topics.
- Learning becomes more effective when the learner cuts off other distracting environment and focuses on the context.
Manioc is native to tropical south America, where it was grown, processed, and used by many different groups to make bread and porridge. it spread to the Caribbean and other tropical parts of American during pre-Colombian times and was encounter by the columbus on his first voyage to the new world.
They caused a great deal of attention as America and the U.S.S.R were behind the scenes with both sides pouring in many resources. Both sides were looking for the promotion of communism or democracy, with both sides believing that the other was looking for world domination.
D. He was laughed at, at first