<u>Current discourses on man dna environmental relationships</u>.
Man and land relationships are established through the sustainable nature of the earth lands as these relationships are based on one another and one set of disturbance create problems for the other relations to occur.
Man and nature i.e environment has a certain degree of interaction which varies from place to place and is thus relation can be represented by the use of resources that man derived the energy from the planet and use this to fuel his navigational and energy supplies.
Also with the ecological services nature provides to a man like the use of running waters for the electricity generation from tides and use of sonar in the ocean deeps to detect the presence of something downwards all facilitated by these relationships.
Man has himself divided the earth into the various zone and created ecological problems for himself and in due course of time has made mass extinctions that now reflect his extinction.
This question actually refers to body parts: otoliths are small structures in your inner ears (in the semicircular canals, so this part is correct) that shift when you move - to help you sense your body position (so this part is also true).
But they're not exactly stones - they are small particles, so that's why the statement is false.