Cheetahs use speed to outrun their prey, and eagles, hawks and falcons use flight to their advantage while hunting. Venomous snakes, and wasps use poison.
Karl Marx believed that capitalism would eventually stagnate due to contradictions and will eventually lead to socialist policies. He also thought that the only way capitalism could be overcome was via revolution. (As Marx thought everything else should be settled by)
No, I believe that multiple weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation would have hurt America in time. One of the biggest problems was the lack of detail and specific attributes that the Constitution brings from long discussion and debates over what is best for the country. America needed to strengthen it's central government if it wanted to get anywhere, so we may not have become so powerful if we left the majority of the power in the state's hands. Another lacking component was the fact that we had no Executive branch to enforce Congress' laws and no National court to determine the meaning of the laws. Another example is the making of one currency for the entire country. These examples and more could have hurt America if they wouldn't have written the Constitution.
Blitzkrieg, by definition, is "lightning warfare." Germany used ferocious extremely fast attacks to decimate their enemies in Europe.
Britain attacking the Western United States