Answer: The Vietnam War divided the civil rights movement and African-Americans more than any other event in American history, exacerbating pre-existing rifts in the civil rights coalition, and it diverted attention away from the struggle for racial justice and toward opposition to the war,” argues Daniel Lucks, author of “Selma to Saigon: The Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War,” published in March. “All these factors had profound and tragic consequences for the civil rights movement and for black America.”
The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution was one of the three improvements made to the United States Constitution after the Civil War, it was known also as the Civil War Amendment. The motivation of the 15th Amendment was to guarantee that states or communities were not invalidating men the right to vote, simply, because of their race.
After the Civil War, America needed to be reconstructed socially an structurally. During the reconstruction of the South, some Sothern states still fond ways to discriminate former slaves, and restrict voting to white men only. These restrictions on voting were revoked by the 15th Amendment, which President Jackson tried to reject with no success. Many states tried to deprive the black voters by creating preferential laws. One of such laws was the "Grandfather Clause", which stated that those who had the benefit or the right to vote prior to 1866 or 1867, or their lineal descendants, would be free from educational, property or tax requisites in order to vote.
As the last of the Civil War Amendments the 15th Amendment permit former slaves to congregate and select people to represent them. This amendment is important as an equitable principle, in deciding who has the right to vote; it acts as a significant event in the correction of the United States Constitution tp guarantee civil rights in general and voting rights, specially for its multiple racial population.
Answer: True
Gregorio Cortez Lira (June 22, 1875 – February 28, 1916) was a Mexican American tenant farmer in the American Old West that later became a folk hero to Mexicans living in South Texas. He ability to evade authorities as well as his impassioned words in court made him known. His life was commonly recited through border ballads where events were often dramatisized.
Una nueva alianza entre la Biología y la Filosofía es necesaria para el estudio de la vida. La Biología, como ciencia, no trata de la vida en sí misma, sino que estudia las manifestaciones o fenómenos de aquellos seres que llamamos organismos vivos por contraposición al mundo inorgánico.