During the second world war, the US government took strong measures to convert the economy to meet the demands of war. President Roosevelt established an organizations like:
1.) War Production Board whose task was to convert industries from peace time works to war needs, allocate scarce material, establish priorities in the distribution of materials and services.
2.) Office of Civilian defense was also established and were tasked to coordinate state and federal measure for the protection of civilians in times of war.
3.) Civil Air Patrol (CAP) was also created for search and rescue missions.
4.) Civil Defense Corps which organized millions of volunteers to fight fires , decontaminate following chemical weapon attacks, and provide first aid.
Thomas Paine ’s Common Sense was first published in January 1776, amid the American Revolution. It was inspired by the American colonies’ rebellion against taxation—which turned into a struggle for outright independence—from Britain
Answer:The counterculture of the 1960s was an anti-establishment movement that spread throughout the Western world in the 1960s. ... The counterculture movement involved large groups of people, predominantly young people and youth, who rejected many of the beliefs that were commonly held by society at large.May 22, 2018
the great depression
the united states was more focused on their own problems. it the 1930s was right when the Great depression was happening, so FDR's main focus was to recover the United States' economy.
Alcohol was viewed as a danger to the home.