he modern political party system in the U.S. is dominated by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These two parties have won every United States presidential election since 1852 and have controlled the United States Congress to some extent since at least 1856.
The correct answer is D
Can you help me with my question?
Identify the figurative language used in the sentence below (taken from the text)
"...they (rumors) were now for the most part black creatures who flapped their wings drearily near to the ground and refused to rise on any wings of hope."
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) alliteration
Choose the most accurate paraphrase for the sentence below.
"No respite was given the troops. Instead they were driven back into the fracas on the sward."
a) The troops had no rest, but were driven back into the woods by the sword.
b) The troops had no food, but had to continue fighting in the woods.
c) The troops had no rest, but had to return to the fight in the field.
its a great title and its appropriate to
The first one! Hades allows Orpheus to keep the gift of music his greatest love
Pony boy observe that he does see and everyone has a motivation to fight except him. Pony boy fights for self-defense and to defend his family and gang, Darry fights just to brag about his muscles and Soda pop only join because he only matches for fun.
Hope this helps :) And the book is good