Topic: our god Is a powerful god
Detail/supporting sentences: he made all things beautiful according to his plans. he has control on the things that are happening around us.
Conclusion sentence: remember that nothing is impossible with god.
Topic: fruits are nutritious and delicious food
Detail/supporting sentences: fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin c, vitamin e, and potassium
Conclusion sentence: for these reasons, it is a good idea to eat lots of fruits
Hope this helps!
Immigration provided the Human Resources uage Arts 711 Englist Asking Questions When Reading Fiction Axel is reading a science fiction book about a family who moves from Earth to live on and not … her planet Read the questions that Axel wrote while he was reading Based on what you've learned about questioning.
Correct answer: Immigrants must remember and preserve their own native cultures.
<u>Judith</u> Ortiz Cofer was born in Puerto Rico. During her childhood her family traveled back and forth between the US and Puerto Rico. Her father was in the military and was stationed in New Jersey. When she was 15, her family permanently relocated to Georgia.
Her poem, <em>El Ovido, </em>published in 1987, urges immigrants not to turn away from the heritage and culture they came from as they settle in a new place -- in this case, the United States. Further in the poem, she says it is "dangerous to disdain the plaster saints before which your mother kneels, praying with embarrassing fervor, that you survive in the place you have chosen to live."
The poem "ode to the west wind" Consists of five sections or what we call "cantos". written in Terza rima (an interlocking three-line scheme). Each of the sections consist of four tercets( set or group of three lines of verses that rhyme together).....(ABA,BCB,CDC,DED). And a rhyming couplet (EE) the poem is written in iambic pentameter(a line or verse with five metrical feet).
<h2>honestamente ... tal vez séptimo grado para mí, fue entonces cuando realmente tuve amigos de verdad ... no he tenido ninguno en un tiempo XD. </h2><h2>También utilicé un traductor para esto</h2><h2>...yo no es fluente en espanol-</h2>