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There are several reasons why so few violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act were brought to court, but a major reason was that ironically the courts were often corrupted, making it impossible to for them to want to hear about a corruption case.
It is probably more nearly correct to state that the Northern states offered more fertile soil for industrialization to grow and prosper than the South. The comments above about slavery are misstated. The Southern economy was indeed agrarian and dependent upon slave labor; however the reason for this is was that the economy in that portion of the country consisted of large scale plantations of staple crops, primarily cotton. It is manifestly incorrect to state...
One helpful statistic we can use is the amount of enslaved people per county, in the year 1860, just a year before the American Civil War.
This statistic can be used as a proxy to determine the counties were cotton had the highest production, because cotton was a cash crop grown in large plantations that were worked by enslaved African Americans.
Several counties had 80% or more slaves as percentage of the total population, meaning that they were overwhelmingly black. The majority of these counties were located in the Mississippi Delta, in the state of the same name, in the Black Belt of Alabama and Georgia, and in southern South Carolina.
A form of rebellion specifically for women during the Jazz Age wascutting their hair