What does Earth have that other planets don't, the basis of life? Water, of course.
Humans and other mammals drink specifically <em>freshwater</em> though, which is far more precious and less abundant than saltwater.
The Chinese government bans the image of the Tank Man, together with some alterations of it, from being available on Google - so the correct answer is 0. It also bans any information about the Tienanmen Massacre and even google searches such as "today" which people also used to look for any information about it.
Tundra ecosystems are treeless regions found in the Arctic and on the tops of mountains, where the climate is cold and windy
Islam is the dominant religion in North Africa, practiced by over 90% of the population in some places.
Planting agriculture is a trading farm where cash crops are specifically cultivated for sale on a large scale.
- This has led to infrastructure development, e.g. roads, schools, urban hospitals.
- Many workers are employed which leads to better living standards.
- They increase the government's tax base and thereby increase the income for road development.
- Plant farms offer a market for the products of the out-grower and thus guarantee a constant flow of revenue.
- Plantation farms encourage research that leads to better and better crops.