Although there should be choices in this question, many findings in the urinalysis can point out a serious illness as long as it is clinically correlated. The color of the urine such as tea-colored urine may be a sign of obstruction of the biliary tree such that in choledocholithases or stones in the common bile duct. The consistency of the urine such as when it is hazy may indicate infection or albuminuria. Sugars present in the urine may indicate diabetes mellitus. Increased WBC (or pus cells) and RBC in the urine may point to a urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis) or glomerulonephritis. A positive protein in the urine may indicate albuminuria characteristic of nephrotic syndrome.
insulin; pancreas.
An endocrine system refers to a series of ductless glands and organs responsible for the production and secretion of hormones that are used by the body for the performance of various functions such as metabolism, controlling growth, reproduction, mood, sleep, etc. These hormones are secreted directly into the circulatory system (blood) and then transported to the organs and tissues in the body.
Basically, the endocrine system contributes significantly to the state of homeostasis in the body.
Homeostasis can be defined as a process through which a living organism maintains a steady or stable physical, internal and chemical environment that is ideal to enhance life and proper functionality.
Generally, when the blood glucose levels of a person rise, through an endocrine system, the hormone known as insulin is released from the pancreas to convert excess glucose into glycogen, which is typically a short-term energy storage molecule for the body.
In conclusion, the endocrine system maintain homeostasis by releasing insulin from the pancreas to decrease blood sugar and releasing glucagon to increase blood sugar.
If I increase the temperature of the water I think it will go faster because the water comes to a boil.
A theory is a proposed explanation of an experiment or witness of.