A. The ruling of Roe v. Wade giving women the right to choose
In 1970, newly graduated lawyers from the University of Texas Law School, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, filed a lawsuit in Texas representing Norma L. McCorvey ("Jane Roe"). McCorvey maintained that his pregnancy had been the product of a crime. The Dallas, Texas County District Attorney, Henry Wade, represented the State of Texas, which opposed abortion. The District Court ruled in favor of Jane Roe, but refused to establish a restriction against abortion laws.
The case was appealed repeatedly until it finally reached the US Supreme Court, which finally in 1973 decided that the woman, protected by the right to privacy - under the "due process clause" of the Fourteenth Amendment — he could choose whether or not to continue the pregnancy; that right to privacy was considered a fundamental right under the protection of the US Constitution. and therefore he could not legislate against him by any state.