The Nine Muses of the Greek Mythology were deities that gave artists, philosophers and individuals the necessary inspiration for creation. ... The word museum also comes from the Greek Muses. The Nine Muses were: Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope.
The name of painting is Las Meninas
Artist- Dlego velàzquez
grey is the color most commonly associated with neutrality, conformity, boredom, uncertainty, old age, indifference, and modesty.
so it's to include neutrality, conformity, boredom, uncertainty, old age, indifference, and modesty in a piece of art
C, but B is okay too. You should be able to express why you did what you did and also evaluate on the feedback so you can compromise and decide what you want to do.
Since you helped me I'll help you. The answer is 13 players on a single roster for each nba team :))