here is it in english
1. Language is an abstract model, therefore it is something ...
2. Speech implies thinking and acting, that's why it is ..
3. Language is a code shared by speakers, it is ...
4. Speech is unique in each person, it is personal, it is ...
5. The tongue cannot disappear from one day to the next because it is ...
6. Speech lasts as long as an action lasts, it is something ...
7. The language changes, but after a long time; is...
8. Speech, which does not last, is different from one person to another because it is ...
9. The tongue is something mental, you can't see it, it's ...
10. Speech is the materialization of language, it is ...
() patent
() fixed
() psychological
() variable
() psychophysics
() Social
() ephemeral
() lasting
Its dificult but i can do it
all the wordsheet?
1. Javier quiere comer en el mejor restaurante de la zona.
2. Javier quiere alojarse en el hotel más lujoso de la ciudad.
3. Javier quiere pasear por el parque más bonito de la ciudad.
4. Javier quiere vestirse con la ropa más elegante de la tienda.
How am I supposed to complete the dialogue logically to help you if there is nothing to complete, I don't wanna sound rude, I just want to help
Oíd: Creo que querías decir “Oído”, que sería hiato.
Sonreía: Hiato.
Loado: Hiato.
Subíais: Tiene diptongo (ai) al igual que tiene hiato (ía).
Cogía: Hiato.
Habría: Hiato.
Recogíais: Tiene diptongo (ai) al igual que tiene hiato (ía).