They were incredibly talented and skilled at art. evidence of history of their artwork, plus it shows a different form of currency.
To affirm something is to give it a big "YES" or to confirm that it is true.
The verb affirm means to answer positively, but it has a more weighty meaning in legal circles. People are asked to swear an oath or affirm that they will tell the truth in a court of law.
Andrew Johnson's behavior in office hurt the cause of the Reconstruction era, since he abandoned many of the more-liberal policies that he had trumpeted earlier, leading to a federal abandonment of the oversight process in the South.
hope this helps :)
Socrates is one of them i think let me try remember the other one
The French and Indian War was fought to decide if Britain or France would be the strong power in North America. France and its colonists and Indian allies fought against Britain, its colonists and Indian allies. The war began with conflicts about land.