To combine Titian's color with Michelangelo's drawing.
Coolidge major goals as president was to cut taxes, reduce government spending, and to keep America from any foreign entanglements.
ISIS :-</u></h3>
ISIS is a universal threat, making strange bedfellows of US, Russia, EU and Iran. But there is no unified approach to combat the group. Saudi Arabia has formed a coalition of 34 largely Muslim nations to fight terrorism, as the main gate for ISIS fighters to go into Syria, which could be pivotal.
<u>Refugee Crisis :-</u></h3>
Three million Syrians have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, another 6.5 million displaced in the country. The EU, ideologically divided over how to handle the crisis, is bearing the brunt of refugee migration. Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Hungary have built anti-immigrant fences on their borders.
<u>Volatile Oil Prices :-</u></h3>
Oil trading has becoming more volatile due to growing tension between two, big OPEC players, pushing already slumped prices lower. Saudi's newly severed ties with Iran have destabilized a political situation that will further complicate oil outlook.
<u>Iranian-Saudi Tension :-</u></h3>
Saudi Arabia executed a dissident Shia Imam by sending out regional shockwaves and inciting violent reaction in Shia-dominated Iran. KSA then severed diplomatic and commercial ties with Iran; Gulf nations followed suit.
hope it helps
# RainbowSalt2222
The history of capitalism is marked by important displacements of human groups that have seen the need to leave their traditional places of settlement to go to where the needs of the accumulation of capital have summoned them. True, migrations predate much of the history of capitalism, but with this the spatial mobility of men takes on dimensions that were previously unknown.
The United States is a country made up of migrants and migrants. Those who came through the Bering Strait, those who arrived from Europe, those who came from Asia, those who had their origin in the south. Those who arrived, continue and will continue to arrive from all over the world. Those who made it multinational and multicultural. This country is the product of a long history of multiple migratory phases, many of them overlapping, which produce a highly heterogeneous panorama.
The migration process, brought with it, new ideas, and new processes that helped the industrialization of the USA, and as mensona previously, this group of migrants transformed the new nation into a cosmopolitan and multicultural nation
For the question, the answer would be absolute horrible. They were only givein small, and i mean very very small rations of very stale bread and water, meaning they were starved and very dehydrated, they were whipped and beatin by SS and Gastopo soldiers and the dead would lay around, in some camps they would take the prisoners on what are called death marches to either where they would "work" or be killed by either fireing squad or gas chamber, if they didint die on the march, they were jam packed in there liveing quarters. When these camps were liberated at the end of the war by either American or Russian forces, they were described as basicly liveing hell, its smelled extremely bad from dead rotting bodys, thoes who were alive were so skinny they could see there bones, plus they were given basicly rags for clothing, and both men and women were shaved and were all given a number that was tattooed onto there forarm