It’s pretty easy all you really need is a pencil notebooks and if your school gives you an iPad that’s all you need
The correct answer is: Option C. Must appeal to several different groups.
In the majority of the countries - especially in the United States -, there is an abundance of distinctive cultural, religious, and ideological groups with different needs and opinions.
For a president, as the face of the country and national identity, it is challenging to search for ways of satisfying a singular group's needs and desires without jeopardizing ties with those of another.
The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain” In (1926) was a short essay written by poet Langston Hughes for The Nation magazine. It became the manifesto of the Harlem Renaissance. In it Hughes said that black artists in America should stop copying whites, that they will never create anything great that way. Instead they should be proud of who they are, proud to be black, and draw from black culture. Not “white is right” but, as we would now say, “Black is beautiful”.
This is a chronological sequence. Chronological usually lists a series of events in order, starting from the earliest to the most recent.