Granovetter call these WEAK TIES
Weak tie theory is the proposition that acquaintances are likely to be more influential than close friends, particularly in social networks. Weak ties that connect social networks are sometimes called bridges. Absent ties are connections that are expected to exist but do not. According to a study, the more weak ties a person has the happier they feel. Maintaining this network of acquaintances also contributes to one's sense of belonging to a community.
I asked my civics teacher the same question and her answer was that he hated Jews 'because he hated the people that practiced different religions and did not see him as a God.Most of the people who didnt follow that,were Jews'.
Asset misappropriation.
Asset misappropriation is the most common type of fraud that people does. It is an fraudulent activity which occurs when any property of the company is stolen or is misused for some personal use.
In the context, two of the employees did fraud by not paying for the food they had. Payment of food at the office canteen was made though a kiosk and it was honorary. Such an example of fraud is called asset misappropriation.