Thomas Jefferson, a Democrat-Republican
He owned all the refineries, so he charged whatever prices he wanted.
you're welcome
During the industrial revolution, American businesses started to used modern machines to replace the existing manual labor. This made using slaves no longer as profitable as it used to.
As a result, people started to give support to abolish slavery. But this support tends to be coming from the northern states. At that time, the southern states were not as willing to adopt the technology from the industrial revolution. This made the southern states still reliant on slaves. This is what caused the conflict that leads to the civil war
The idea of democracy began in Greece.
Interest rate was almost Zero.
In the early 2000s, the interest rate of Japanese Yen was almost zero. That's why many Japanese businesses started to borrow Japanese Yen and started investing in the US treasury bills. In that time, the interest of the US treasury bill was 3-4%. Because of this reason, Yen Carry trade worked in the early 2000s.