I think it might be chemical
Because the earth's axis is tilted. It is all about the tilt of the Earth's axis.
During the summer, the sun's rays hit the Earth at a steep angle. The light does not spread out as much, thus increasing the amount of energy hitting any given spot. Also, the long daylight hours allow the Earth plenty of time to reach warm temperatures.
During the winter, the sun's rays hit the Earth at a shallow angle. These rays are more spread out, which minimizes the amount of energy that hits any given spot. Also, the long nights and short days prevent the Earth from warming up. That's why we have winter.
I hope this helped!
Thank you,
E. Mineral content
Viscosity is an internal property of a fluid that offers resistance to flow, the nature of volcanic eruptions is highly dependent on magma viscosity and also on dissolved gas content (dissolved gases become trapped by thick magma and the magma chamber begins to build pressure).
The viscosity of magma is controlled by the size of the molecules that comprise it.
<em>Felsic lava contains elements of small size (sodium and aluminum), these elements form polymers and large crystalline macromolecules like silica, the more extensive silicate chain molecules the more viscous the magma becomes, this happens because larger molecules have stronger intermolecular bonds preventing movement and spreading. </em>
Mafic and ultramafic lava, on the other hand, have lower viscosities, also contain lower quantities of silica and aluminum and are rich in magnesium oxide, which does not form large molecular structures, therefore lava flows smoothly, unrestricted by intermolecular forces.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
heres a ppt i had to do about global warming and greenhouse effect just check the global warming part