Sensory details, especially visual. Some personification.
We often call pre-writing strategies as " Brainstorming". This is a first and foremost step before idealizing or writing on any specific topic that demands multiple topics to be held in our brain for an informative note.
- Listing is the initial step to jolt down all the important titles to be covered under a topic or any figure.
- Organizing and generating ideas before the final work.
- clustering and mind mapping, mind map is a way to visually organize data and information. It works like a branch of tree where information is gathered visually
- It allows you to focus on a specific topic and readily shows the output results.
- Diagram-based pre-writing strategies are also known as clustering techniques.
I would go with B, or Ways to build immunity to diseases. Why? Well, just by using the word biology, we can use process of elimination. The prefix “bio” means life, so C and D already would be out. The suffix “ology” means the study of, so the word biology means the study of life. Because biology often has to do with diseases and finding cures to sustain human life spans, the only logical answer would be B. A would make no sense in terms of biology.
I can’t tell anything because there’s not a story about him or her and how he’s acting to her so
"Journey to the Center of The Earth" by Jules Verne is one of author's own loved book.
In the novel, Otto Lidenbrock, who is a professor in geology and mineralogy decides to take the journey to the center of the Earth. He finds an encrypted message of alchemist Arne Saknussemm and de-crypts its with the help of his nephew Axel. They both decides to take this journey together. But Grauben, decides to stay back and wait for them to return because after their return Axel and Grauen can marry. Because after their expedition, Axel would be man. She encourages them to go on this expedition as it will be great for both the man.