100%+15% = 115%
x - 100%
161 - 115%
x = (161 * 100%) / 115% = 140
Perfect squares can be divided and multiplied by the same number to get the same number. For example 25/5=5. 5*5=25.
4/2=2, 2*2=4
1/1=1, 1*1=1
9/3=3, 3*3=9
16/4=4, 4*4=16.
Hence the perfect squares.
Your answer is
Rad. 6 + Rad. 2
- (Negative) _______________
Find the prime factores of 396.
These are 2x2x3x3x11.
Circle all the pairs and pick out the one that does not have a pair. In this case it is 11.
You can either multiply 396 by 11 or divide by 11 to make it a perfect square.
Since the question asks for divide. It’s 11
Hope this helps.
Good Luck
3000 + 500 + 60 = 3560
Your calculator can help you out here if you really have no idea that the exponent of 10 tells you the number of zeros: 10^3 = 1000.