A parliamentary republic is one where a parliament has its own head of state that is not connected to the president. This is usually in the form of a prime minister and often this prime minister has even more power than the president. An example can be Germany that has a chancellor that is more important than the president and the president has almost no power.
D-by being awarded land for service in the army
In the Mycenanean social structure, the king rewarded warriors with land, which was the most common way to change status.
Charles Wesley is known to be one of the principal founders
of Methodism together with his brother John. Charles wrote thousands of hymns
and famously known as the world’s greatest hymn writer. He composed the most
famous hymns of church such as “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” and “Rejoice! The
Lord is King!”.
First and Last one
They did believe their culture was superior, that's obvious. During this they also got lots of benefits from the colonies.