Answer: See explanation
The internet is referred to as a public, and globally connected network that consists of computer networks. On the other hand, the web is referred to as a graphical user interface to the information that are being stored on the computers running web servers which are connected to the internet. It should be noted that the web is regarded as a subset of the internet.
Also, we can say that the Internet is just a global network that is made up of networks while the Web, is the collection of information that accessed through the Internet.
Never seen that question before I would say the correct adverb would be sank
Hi there!
1. B)<em> The epic strats the narrative in the middle of the story.</em>
Explanation: In medias res, which term is in latin, means "from the middle of" is a literature tecnique where the narration starts since the middle of the story. This resource was mainly used in greek and roman literature.
2. B) <em>The poem was passed from person to person by word of mouth without being written down</em>.
Explanation: Oral tradition is defined as a form of human communication wherein ideas or knowledge is received, this information is passed down through the generations by word of mouth and not written.
3. A) <em>Below, the fields of cotton, fleecy-white, / Are spreading like a mighty flock of sheep</em>.
Explanation: A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses a word to describe the other, like a kind of comparison. In this excerpt, the fields of cotton are described as "fleecy-white" and like a "flock of sheep", saying that all the cotton among the field is very white.
I'm very shy
I am savage-,-
I abuse my best frnd the most xD