plants process oxygen for respiration as an aerobic organism and also produces it, light can regulate this metabolism, which means that in the presence of light oxygen generation occurs as well as consumption and when there is darkness only consumption will occur Thus, when calculating the amount of oxygen that a plant produces during photosynthesis, it will be necessary to subtract the oxygen it consumes, from which it is deduced that the rate of oxygen consumption will not have variations and will be the same in the day and in the At night, so the change of oxygen in the dark is subtracted with the change of volume of oxygen in the light phase
The leaves of the branches of the forest and garden trees are very valuable roughage for goats in winter. It can replace up to half of the estimated roughage for the day, ie. 4-5 twigs weighing 2 kilograms. The nutritional value of wallets is about 2 times less than that of hay. The most nutritious is acacia, followed by willow, hazel, elm, linden, oak, ash, maple, pear, quiver, poplar, etc. Regardless of the type, the most nutritious are the leaves prepared in June and July, while the branches of the trees are still tender and not completely woody.
Cells in the pancreas release insulin into the blood