I used the foil method to solve the problem
Helikazlar tüm canlılar için hayatî önem taşıyan bir enzim sınıfıdır. Nükleik asitlerin fosfodiester omurgası üzerinde hareket ederek birbirlerine hidrojen bağlarıyla bağlanmış nükleik asit ipliklerini (DNA'nın, RNA'nın veya RNA-DNA hibritlerinin) ayrıştırır.
Electrolytes are nothing but minerals that have electric charge when it is mixed in liquid like blood. thus the sodium and potassium electrolytes will help regulate the nerve and muscle function. They also maintain the acid-base balance by regulating the electric charge on the cells and water flow across the membrane.
d. ATP is present and the intracellular Ca2+Ca2+ concentration is high.
Myosins are motor proteins that plays a major role in muscle contraction. They depend on ATP and responsible for motility in actin-based substances. Skeletal muscle is composed of myosin and actin fibers. Each myosin thick filament is surrounded by actin thin filaments, and each thin filament is surrounded by thick filaments. There exists a strong attraction between the myosin head and the myosin-binding site of actin which binds them spontaneously. This bond is aided by the presence of ATP and the high concentration of intracellular Ca2+. The myosin protein undergoes a change in its shape.
Using white tall (RRBB)and black short (rrbb) as an instance
Then I have white tall:9
White short:3
Black tall:3
Black short: 1
So this shows the phenotypic expression of a heterozygous with a dominant and recessive growth
The four phenotype in this dihybrid in a Punnett square is stated above as 9:3:3:1