The cup like structure, in which the femur fits into the hip bone is known as Acetabulum.
the acetabulum is referred to a concave shapoed surface of the pelvis, which have a cup like groove. This groove helps in the binding of the femur head to the hip or the pelvic bone.
The round head of the femur gets fits into this cup shaped structure and forms the hip joint. The acetabulum is formed by the contribution of ischium, ilium and the pubis.
This devastation has wrecked many ecosystems. The state has lost 90 percent of our coastal wetlands and inland wetlands, 99 percent of our riparian areas, and most of our native grasslands. California is also a critical nexus for the biodiversity loss taking place in our oceans.
Gabbro and basalt are two igneous rocks having the same chemical composition, and the same minerals (plagioclase feldspar + pyroxene), but are of different origins. Gabbros form at depths and cool slowly, whereas basalts are volcanic rocks that crystallize rapidly at the surface of the earth.
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