He realized that in doing so he would ruin his reputation forever.
He realized that all he had was his good name & reputation.
Elizabeth approved of whatever he decided.
In "The Salem Witches" Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft. Elizabeth is the person Abigail asked for her death in the ritual, she is the wife of John Proctor, with whom Abigail had had a love affair. Because of the prosecution, Jonh began his fight to free his wife from conviction, but he got into a dilemma. If he confessed to witchcraft, he would save his wife, but ruin his reputation forever and all he had was his good name and reputation. Yet he confessed and Elizabeth approved of everything he decided.
Content is the material/matter/medium contained within the work that's available for audience. Context is the positioning of the content, storyline or purpose that provides value to the audience.
Here is an example for a paragraph : The task seemed very dubious, but she was ecstatic to do it. While doing the task, she encountered a wild dog. If she got hurt, her stepmother would be liable. The girl seemed very gullible.
B. There is no single topic sentence. It starts with an idea and just keeps flowing. A topic sentence will introduce the point in why the are talking about earth's plates.