Abiotic factors in this ecosystem :
- Rain
- Wind
- Temperature
- Altitude
- Soil
- Pollution
- Nutrients
- Types of Soil
- Potenz of Hydrogen (pH)
- Sunlight
hope it helps!
Las funciones digestivas de la saliva incluyen humedecer los alimentos y ayudar a crear un bolo alimenticio, para que se pueda tragar fácilmente. La saliva contiene la enzima amilasa que descompone algunos almidones en maltosa y dextrina. Por lo tanto, la digestión de los alimentos ocurre dentro de la boca, incluso antes de que los alimentos lleguen al estómago.
The answer is 97%.
The zika virus' 1% incidence rate in the population has no effect over the probability of the patient being infected or not. If the test has a 3% false positive rate that means that if it is positive, the results have a 97% chance of being true. Therefore the chance that the person who took the test and had a positive result being actually infected is 97%.
I hope this answer helps.
. Fish need 10 ml of water purifier to survive.
Fish need 10 ml of water purifier to survive because the data of 10 ml and 20 ml purifier is the same so it is recommended to use 10 ml purifier. First the data was same but by recording next week data, it shows slightly increase in the value of tank 2 while in the last week, both has the same value so we can concluded that by using 10 ml purifier is enough for the fish to survive.