The Symbol $ means that by copying and pasting to another cell, the cell references will not change.
In this case, the references are "locked" onto column C. Copying the formula to some other location will not change the references since they are absolute.
95% confidence interval gives the lower and upper limit for the mean corn yield per acre
Lower limit is 128.4 bushel per acre and upper limit is 131.6 bushel per acre
This is the case unless the registered representative contributes capital proportionate to his sharing percentage and receives written approval of the principal. This is because the MSRB clearly prohibits this, but if the registered representative opens a joint account with the customer (granted the customer approves), and shares in both the gains and losses of the account with a proportionate capital contribution, then both are entering into the same risk and are allowed to share in the gains and losses. This is as long as the principal provides written approval.
B. All the above are included in GDP.
GDP is a measure of an economy’s total production and in most cases, it is used to determine how developed or how grown a certain economy is. To calculate the GDP, we take into consideration every form of production within the country. Factors such as consumption expenditure, private domestic investment, government spending, imports and exports are all determinants of GDP. Therefore, the sale of stocks and bonds, sale of services and the sale of used goods, collectively are included in calculation of GDP. Hence the correct answer is B.
The maximum expected output capability of a resource or system. - Is the definition of <u>Design Capacity.</u>
An approach to a firm's acquisition of resources that will either lead, lag, or track the customer demand. - Is the definition of <u>Capacity Expansion Strategy.</u>
A capacity acquisition strategy where expansion takes place before the demand materializes and never falls behind the capacity growing requirements. - Is the definition of <u>Lead the Demand.</u>
The expected output capability of a resource or system after accounting for scheduled down time (like for maintenance).- Is the definition of <u>Effective Capacity.</u>
A capacity acquisition strategy where expansion takes place only after the demand materializes and never exceeds the demand. - Is the definition of <u>Lag the Demand.</u>