Answer: For example, Nick calls the man in Gatsby's library who later turns up at Gatsby's funeral Owl Eyes , and in the car accident in chapter three Owl Eyes is "blinded by the glare of the headlights", signifying his confusion. Nick refers metaphorically to his view of events in terms of sight imagery.
In general, works cited lists are arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. If the author is unknown, entries are alphabetized by the first word in their titles (note, however, to drop A, An, or The). Titles of books, periodicals, newspapers, and films are italicized.
the earliest dream poem and one of the finest religious poems in the English language, once, but no longer, attributed to Caedmon or Cynewulf. In a dream the unknown poet beholds a beautiful tree—the rood, or cross, on which Christ died. The rood tells him its own story. Forced to be the instrument of the saviour’s death, it describes how it suffered the nail wounds, spear shafts, and insults along with Christ to fulfill God’s will. Once blood-stained and horrible, it is now the resplendent sign of mankind’s redemption. The poem was originally known only in fragmentary form from some 8th-century runic inscriptions on the Ruthwell Cross, now standing in the parish church of Ruthwell, now Dumfries District, Dumfries and Galloway Region, Scot. The complete version became known with the discovery of the 10th-century Vercelli Book in northern Italy in 1822.
Confrontation always advances the plot, because it causes a lose-lose solution, meaning no one is happy, so there was no solution and confrontation could've made it worse.
Figurative language is the use of words and expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.