The Bering Land Bridge formed during the glacial periods of the last 2.5 million years. Every time an ice age began, a large proportion of the world's water got locked up in massive continental ice sheet
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Charlemagne became king of the Frankish people in the year 751. He had the main belief of unifying all Germanic peoples and convert them to Christianity. Other important beliefs he had were the revival of culture and education which had been relegated during the dark ages. Thanks to these beliefs, Charlemagne got to control a large part of Europe. They are important for a ruler since promoting education within it citizens helps the development of a society. The firm belief he had in uniting all peoples is represented in many rulers that followed him like Napoleon; it is an important principle to consolidate a government and peace in a territory. Another example that he set for future leaders is the ability to make strategic alliances, the one he made with the Catholic Church eventually turn him into the holy roman emperor.
Cotton textile, oil and seed manufacturing rose in Dallas,Texas as the people pushed their cattle away. The building industry also grew a great deal. this included cement, and brick making.