The Teapot Dome was one scandal.
The Ohio Gang can be counted as a scandal as Harding employed all his crooked friends.
The scandals had no bearing on his death.
There are numerous opinions on this. Some people believed that through the control of media on a global scale, the media could be used to culturally imperialize other countries. Another is that they would be able to spread falsities since there would be no other media, and the global media would have their own agenda based around who's their owned or who's paying them or similar things.
Napoleon was the ruler of France.
He contracted polio at age 39 and needed leg braces for the rest of his life.
Franklin Roosevelt was born in a rich and resourceful family with political contacts. He got married to his cousin Eleanor Roosevelt.
In the year 1921, he got struck with polio and spent he rest of his days in a wheelchair. His presidency did wonders for the United states along with the establishment of a leadership stage for the United State in the world during the world war II.
It bothers me that our Constitution excludes from the presidency all Americans who lack a U.S. citizen parent, the so-called “natural born citizen” clause. I’d like to change Section 1, Article 2 to simply read, “No person except a citizen of the United States shall be eligible for the office of President.” Think of all the remarkable Americans who have held high public office but have been constitutionally barred from seeking the presidency.