General Lee Prior to the Battle of Gettysburg could have something like the following:
"One more battle and we'll take Washington. This will end this war and guarantee our freedom."
"One more battle to humiliate the Yankee forces. This will be easy."
General Lee after the Battle of Gettysburg could have said something like the following:
"That did not go as planned. If only I had had Stonewall Jackson with me."
"How did it all go wrong? We were supposed to win."
"We must regroup quickly so they do not take advantage of our situation."
The real surprise with Cashel Man is his age, being 1,500 years older than the other significant finds. But he may not be the last. As the midland bogs are depleted, the scientists believe they could find other bodies of a similar age.
The Know-Nothing party was an outgrowth of the strong anti-immigrant and especially anti-Roman Catholic sentiment that started to manifest itself during the 1840s.