The main difference between a democracy and anything other then a democracy is a democracy is run by the people the power is in the people while in a none democratic government the power is in the rulers. The word democracy means ruled by the people even though all they are doing is voting, but in a none democratic situation the leaders make all the decisions while the people sit back and do nothing. They have no choice in anything.
Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, Macedonia, Romania, Syria, parts of Arabia and the north coast of Africa.
The squadron of commodore Matthew Perry was made of modern war ships, steam ships. Production and operation of those ships required technological prowess and industrial capacity. It was possessed only by Western countries in 1853. Perry´s vessels were also equipped with modern artillery and systems. They made a great impression on the Japanese. Some Japanese officials were invited onboard. They understood that the US had great fire power and naval capacity on its side. This definetly put pressure on the Japanese to agree to American demands for opening to trade exchanges and opening their ports to commerce with the USA, the purpose of Perry´s mission.
Just to be straight up, it was completely torn apart and burnt to absolute shreds. But soon gained hope to rebuild.
The founding fathers enacted the fifth amendment so that everyone accused of a crime had the opportunity to prove their innocence.
Habeas Corpus is “a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person’s release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention”