The Answer has to be C
The reason the answer is C is Because the story explains John is always late and usually does not arrive on time. this means that John is rushing to get to the bus stop in two minutes, while he gets there in four minutes, he will likely be late for the bus.
your welcome :)
One person who has impacted my life greatly is my best friend. I know a lot of people say that, but my story is a bit different. You see, my best friend basically saved my life. So, before i met her, I had another best friend, and at the time that girl was my ONLY friend. I have trouble making friends, so i was really grateful i had her. But the bad thing was that we were so MEAN to each other, in ways that friends should never be. We would insult each other's looks and favorite things. If one of us was going through a rough time, the other simply wouldn't care. Her and I were both guilty of it. Then, in the summer of 2018, I moved away. Her and I called every day, and we weren't as mean to each other now that we were physically apart. I ended up moving back one year later, and I immediately had to see her. I missed her so much! The day after my flight landed I went over to her house, and she was so clingy and nice, I thought we finally had a nice friendship. That was until she had her birthday party. When I was away, of course she made a couple of new friends, who she invited to her party. Now the problem isn't what it would seem to be. The problem was that her friends really liked me right away, and she got kinda jealous. It's not like we excluded her or anything, she just wasn't used to not having all of my attention. There were four people in the friend group, excluding My friend and I. Out of those people, the boy in the group is who I got along with the most because of our similar music taste. We would talk about it NON STOP. Now, there was one girl in which i barely talked to, and i didn't really have any interest in getting closer with her. We were friendly with each other, but we just didn't talk much. The more I got farmiliar with the friend group, the more distant me and the boy got, and the closer I got with that girl. I was still best friends with my best friend at the time, but she began to act like her old self: Mean. I remained nice, as I changed when I moved away, but I guess she didn't. Our friend group had it's up's and down's throughout the year. It was the end of the year, around Thanksgiving, when I got the news that my family would be moving away again. I told my friends and they were really sad. I'd just started to get really close to them,
Please comment so I can add the rest!!
The book is filled with allusions that are learned throughout the story. Moreover, characters are based out of the thirteenth century. Moreover, the characters are filled with medieval theology and torture. Dante has written three books; Dante’s Inferno was the first book. Dante’s Inferno has gained a considerable amount of power. It has way into video games, a few films, and an appearance on Mad Men. The Mad Men's appearance may be more literacy. The reason that the Inferno has taken an interest in all ages is because of readers, gamers, and viewers.
Dante’s character does not emerge as a particularly well-defined individual, but he has committed a never-specified sin. He participates in Florentine politics, and we also learn little about his life on Earth. His traits are comprehensive and universal.
Dante wrote the Inferno partially as an allegory for the spiritual journey that he was taking on after his exile from Florence. Dante partially wrote the Inferno as an allegory for Florentine political life in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century.
I think its pact let me know if im wrong!
becasue of what you just did no offense