The first IBM PC virus in the "wild" was a boot sector virus dubbed (c)Brain, created in 1986 by Amjad Farooq Alvi and Basit Farooq Alvi in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter unauthorized copying of the software they had written. The first virus to specifically target Microsoft Windows, WinVir was discovered in April 1992, two years after the release of Windows 3.0.
The answer is enhance traditional instruction. Computers are often used by teachers so that the teachers may have an easier time with their visual aids. Now that we have tools like powerpoint presentations and excel files, it will be easier for the teachers to prepare
Technology is what we use today to access internet and social media!!!
C) Project and Form
In saving a Visual Basic project properly, the following: two components part that is involved are:
1. Project - this is the project file that will be saved in the computer's memory. On the toolbar of a Visual Basic Editor, there is a "Save Project File" icon, which will be clicked to save a Project file.
2. File - the is the Visual Basic Editor's user interface. Just like "window" in Microsoft Office, it is the space used in writing or building the project file.
I think the answer is C but I could be wrong